To support children when settling into the nursery we offer a free settling in period 2 weeks prior to your child’s start date.
The number of settling in visits can vary depending on each individual child. Your child will be settled into the nursery environment allowing them to become more familiar with the nursery and the staff team. The first visit parents are required to stay for staff to gain individual information from you as parents, who knows the child better than you, this is when you will be asked to complete a care plan allowing staff to have access to all information on the needs and routine of your child. Depending on the child during the first visit goes, parents are encouraged to leave the children gradually building up the time the child is in nursery ranging from 1 hour to 4 hours. Staff will discuss with you the progress of your child’s settling in and advise you on when is best to begin attending nursery for their full sessions.
Registration form, terms and conditions and deposit must be completed prior to starting nursery and management will be in touch to arrange the first visit.